Also, as a Catholic who loves the liturgy and sees it as a vital part of Christian life, I support the "reform of the reform" movement in Catholic liturgy. I see the necessity of interpreting the documents and instrcutions of the popes, especially Pope Benedict XVI, happily reigning, the Second Vatican Council and the authentic Magisterium of the Church in the light of the hermeneutics of continuity especially with regards to the liturgy. While, I rejoice with the promulgation of Summorum Pontificum clarifying that the 1962 Missal of Pope John XXIII (or the Traditional Latin Mass) was never abrogated and considering the celebration according to pre-conciliar editions of the Missal (Roman Ritual, etc) as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, I am convinced, that since the Missal of Pope Paul VI (revised by Pope John Paul II) is the Ordinary Form of the same Roman Rite, the tradition of "lex orandi, lex credendi" (the rule of praying of the rule of beloef) should be better observed by the celebration of Masses faithful to the rubrics laid down by the competent authority and when there are some 'vagueness' in the instructions, the long-standing liturgical tradition of the Church (represented by the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) is the best guide.

Both the rubrics of the modern Pauline Order of the Mass and the liturgical tradition represented by EF form, 'features' the 'ad orientem' posture wherein, the priest and the assembly of the faithful faces the "east" - the direction of the "Rising Sun", symbol of Jesus and his second coming either by facing the geographical east, or when it is not possible, the "liturgical East" - the apse with the icon of Christ of, as explained by the Pope Benedict XVI while still a cardinal - to the cross, symbol of the Christ Crucified and Risen.
It is my goal, for my personal reading and hopefully for the readers of this blog, if there are any, to link articles from various internet resources that will give us some light in this licit and wonderful liturgical tradition.
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